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AACIDO Rocket Finalist

Floati: Training aid for adult swimmers to help overcome fear of water

Floati is a training aid designed to help adults overcome their fear of water while learning to swim. Adults who are new to swimming may find floating on water challenging and fearful, as they are less agile than younger swimmers. By incorporating key ergonomic elements, Floati is a comfortable and easy-to-wear floatation device for swimmers of any size. The adjustable straps allow for unrestricted movement in the pool for an optimal learning experience..

Floati Floati

Floati: A Floatation Training Aid


About the Designer

Vivian Lee, Carleton University

Vivian is a human-centered designer from Carleton University who seeks for creative and empathetic solutions to everyday problems. She enjoys exploring and learning different ways to contribute to innovative products that improve one’s well-being and quality of life.
