ACIDO Rocket Health and Wellness Award (SHEPP ID)
STRATUS: Stratus is a home-care assisting device that combines a mobility wheelchair for people with obesity and a workstation for their personal support workers (PSWs)
With current Canada’s current aging demographic, the demand for elderly care has also increased. When faced with this situation, people desire responsive, resilient, and adaptive personal care. The increased need for personal support workers (PSWs) creates more stress and pressure than ever before. However, in recent years retiring at home is suggested and therefore the demand for home care will continue to go up. For that reason, awareness and empathy are essential to the quality of care. Obesity is on the rise and future medical support may be needed as they grow older and become immobilized, this comes with a decrease in mental health and independence. A person with obesity requires more time and care overall, it is important to enhance their personal care experience while reducing the mental and physical stress experienced by the PSWs.
About the Designer
My name is Han Yang, “Never give up” is a motto my dad taught me from a young age when facing adversity, I always use this motto applying it to my work and studies. It helps me overcome challenges that come my way and encourages me to move forward.
A future in industrial design is what I work towards and look forward to. Empathizing with people and learning from humans is what I value most in this field, and so I look forward to learning more as I continue beyond my studies