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ACIDO Rocket Finalist

Eye Care: “Delivering a convenient, personalized, and cost-effective solution for eyewear measurement and prescriptions.”

This product is a personalized and cost-effective eyewear measuring tool experience. It caters to individuals in need of vision care and offers an innovative physical eyewear experience for customers. This product offers frame, and basic prescription measuring with the help of an AI-powered Shopify application with a step-by-step guide. This product offers a fair data exchange between retailers and customers while cultivating customer loyalty.

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About the Designer

Julian Saliby, Carleton

From a young age, my heart has been captivated by the art of storytelling and creation. Whether shaping toys from leftover wood or capturing moments on my home camera, the act of creating has been my driving force. Now, I’m dedicated to using that creative energy to develop products that make a difference, while ensuring their messages are communicated effectively.
