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Rocket Finalist

MOOV: Hyperloop Interior Solutions

MOOV is a Hyperloop interior concept which mitigates user fears and crafts a user-centred transport experience. The concept is broken down into three parts; individual, group and curated experience area. Each of which is crafted to omit relaxing and functional products for the various types of users. Seating elements and work surfaces are placed strategically throughout and are designed with lightweight construction as well as sustainable materiality. Due to the lack of windows, an experience display runs throughout the cabin to aid in the lack of reference planes and curate environmental moods for passengers. All these characteristics flow harmoniously throughout the design, pushing the boundaries of user-centred interior designs for Hyperloop transportation.


About the Designer

James Stonehewer, Humber College

James is an industrial designer who enjoys pushing the boundaries of design and technology while curating exceptional user experiences around them.
