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Rocket Finalist

Sensory Hive: a family of products for children with Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory Hive is a family of products for children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) which is often linked to Autism as well as other developmental disorders. SPD affects the five senses and the child’s body awareness. The purpose of sensory Hive is to not only help to mitigate SPD but to encourage sensory play. Sensory Hive also creates a more structured environment in the home and helps to assist parents with the child’s task management skills, all while using positive reinforcement and tracking the child’s progress. Sensory Hive is modular so that families can use only what products they need in the Sensory Hive family, but also so each experience is tailored to the child’s needs.

About the Designer

Annalee Robbins, Humber College

Annalee is a 2019 graduate from Humber College with a specialty in Product Design. She is passionate about creating unique experiences and products to enhance everyday life.