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ACIDO Rocket Health and Wellness Award presented by Cortex Design

Stride: Medical device to alleviate symptoms while walking for Parkinson’s Disease.

Stride is a compact medical device designed to assist individuals with Parkinson’s during walking. It employs mechanical vibration and rhythmic cues to alleviate motor symptoms. By targeting the motor nerves in the calf with vibration stimulation, it detects symptoms, then disrupts the electrical signals in the brain causing movement symptoms, providing relief while walking. Additionally, it utilizes cueing, a common tactic, by pulsating vibrations to guide users in walking rhythmically with the vibrations.

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About the Designer

Melissa Mak, Carleton

My name is Melissa Mak. I am a recent graduate of the industrial design program at Carleton University. I have a passion for medical design and aspire to address the challenges our society encounters, aiming to enhance the quality of life for individuals navigating significant difficulties. I hope to create solutions with a mindful eye on ethics, the environment, and overall quality of life.
