ACIDO Rocket Finalist
Urban Egg Farming
The project tackles local food production focusing on egg farming in an urban environment. With the growing awareness of the issues surrounding industrial egg farming operations, hen-keeping provides a great alternative to those who would like to have more control over their food source. However, with the rapid densification of cities and the dwindling availability of green space, the project proposes a product system for raising chickens in the city with three different components: 1) A modular, scalable, chicken coop + run system that is designed to be installed in a rooftop farm, 2) a piece of outdoor furniture with a built-in chicken coop for raising chickens on a balcony, and 3) a chicken carrier case that doubles as a nesting box for raising chickens indoors.
About the Designer
Kristoffer Paolo Aguila, OCAD University
Paolo is a budding designer, a loving husband and very soon, a proud father. His professional journey from architecture to industrial design has given him a critical eye for looking at problems of varying scales and using design as a joyful tool for crafting a more meaningful experience of life.